Our Team
Dr Sally Rye
Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Arawa
Dr Sally Rye is the Director and founder of Rongo ā Puku Consultants. She is a Health Practitioner specialising in the gut-brain axis, the endocrine system and traditional ways of doing, being and seeing. Sally engages with neuro semantics and accessing our Indigenous pūrākau (stories and parables) to help whānau make sense of their anatomy and physiology. She is passionate about sharing mātauranga (knowledge) and rauemi (resources) that equip whānau to be the rangatira (masters) of their own hau-ora (well-being).
Ngaire Culshaw
Ngāti Pahauwera
Ngaire is a Director of Rongo ā Puku Consultants. She has been practicing traditional mirimiri for over 40 years, providing a holistic healing approach that incorporates physical, spiritual and cognitive elements of well-being. Ngaire is passionate about working with whānau to help their realise their inherent gifts as healers.
Trish Thomas
Trish Thomas is a Director of Rongo ā Puku Consultants. She is a Health Coach specialising in puku ora and rongoā puku. Trish is passionate about rongoā Māori and using kai as medicine to break whānau away from cycles of unwellness.
Dr. Josh Strickett
Tangata Tiriti
Josh is a registered Chiropractor based in Ngāti Kahungunu. He specialisers in structural correction as well as shifting pain without medication.
Charlizza Matehe aka Lil Miss Ringawera
Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu
Charlizza joins the Rongo ā Puku team to support with Health Coaching as well as facilitating our kai workshops. She is passionate about feeding the multitudes and sharing ideas on how to create nutrient dense foods that taste amazing.