Rongo ā Puku

Rongo ā Puku services provide holistic support for individuals and whānau that are designed to help claim and reclaim Rangatiratanga (autonomy) over their well-being.

Offering a multi - pronged integrated health care approach, we access traditional ways and methods of well-being and blend with the latest research arming participants with knowledge and tools to reach balance, vitality and prosperity in their lives.

We currently offering consultations, workshops and wānanga focus on the 7 tenets of Hau, a well-being framework created by Dr Sally Rye. These include;

Hau ā Aio
Rangi Ora, energy work and cultural alignments

Hau ā Puku
Puku Ora, gut health & Hau Tau, hormone balance

Hau ā Hinengaro
Roro Ora, accessing neuroscience for brain health

Hau ā tangata
Mauri Ora, metabolic shifting, lymphatic stimulation and clearing

Hau ā Kaingā
Kāinga Ora, setting routines & patterns to optimise well-being

Hau ā Wahi
Pāpā Ora, grounding, navigating spaces and places

Hau ā Maramataka
Tai Ora, circadian rhythms, natural flows and intuitive movement

Our Rongoā Mahi

To maximise the benefits and impacts of our services, we weave the following rongoā into our services;

Rongoā kai (food and plants as medicine), wai rakau (cleansing, detoxing), mirimiri(massage), mauri tau(accessing different brain waves and frequencies) , whakatau tinana (movement, stretch and impact), whakatau hinengaro (neuroplasticity, neuro semantics), pure (smudging, tapping, transcending, breathing) ihirangaranga (sounds, vibrations),

To register, please contact Trish Thomas 021 795 525 or

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